Twin Terms and Acronyms

Whether you're new to the internet or just new to the twins list, you'll notice a virtual alphabet soup of acronyms and a whole new vocabulary of twin-related terms. The definitions here will help you make sense of this new brand of twin-speak. There's also a collection of emoticons, to help you get your point across.

If you don't see what you're looking for, want to suggest a new entry, or disagree with a definition, please let me know. HIH, FWIW! --Lisa

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Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder A disorder marked by a child's inability to concentrate, sometimes accompanied by hyperactivity. Treatment includes teaching the child coping strategies to keep him focused, and may also involve the drug Ritilin.

As Far As I Know... A sign that the poster has some knowledge of the topic at hand, but may not know all the details.

Alpha-Feto Protein A protein produced by the fetus which is found in the amniotic fluid as well as the mother's blood stream. Levels of AFP in the blood can be tested to check for elevated likelihood of Spina Bifida or other non closure disorders.

AFP levels are checked as part of the Triple Test, which also checks levels of HCG and Estriol. This is only a statistical test: given the levels of all three compounds, the mother's age, and the gestational age, you can determine the probability of having certain problems. Many times, the results of this test are the first indication that this is a twin pregnancy. But please note:

  • Even with one baby, there is no such thing as "positive" or "negative:" the results can only indicate an increased possibility of certain problems, and point to the need for further testing.
  • Also, it is not accurate for twins. As the sample is taken from the mother's blood, there's no way to isolate the results for each twin. AFP levels for each fetus can be checked through amniocentesis.

Also Known As

The inner of the two membranes, or "sacs," surrounding the fetus. The outer membrane is the chorion. See also diamniotic, monoamniotic.

Assisted Reproductive Technologies A blanket term for various fertility treatments, including IVF, FET, GIFT, etc.

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Bulletin Board Some web sites have a page which allows you to post a message, which will then be visible to all the world. Occasionally people refer to the Twins List as a bulletin board, although it is actually a mailing list.

BreastFeeding, BreastFed, etc True, bottle feeding has the same initials, but BF always refers to breastfeeding.

Braxton Hicks contractions, also known as rehearsal contractions.

Please note that while "rehearsal" contractions are normal, there is no way for you to tell whether contractions are "real" or "false." Contact your doctor if you are having frequent contractions.

Before Kids As in, a lifetime ago! :-)


Biophysical Profile
A biophysical profile (BPP) measures 4 criteria:
1. The amount of amniotic fluid around the baby/babies
2. The gross body movements of the baby
3. The tone (flexion & extension) of the baby (also grades the tone)
4. Breathing motions: The fetus must have 30 seconds or more of breathing motion in a 30 min. period.
In addition, the Non Stress Test (NST) measures accelerations of the babies' heart rate in relation to movements & contractions.

Brocnhopulmonary Displasia This is the version of CLD (chronic lung disease) most often found in preemies who have been ventilated for a lengthy period of time. Usually the condition is outgrown by the time the child reaches the age of 8. For more information, see

See Biophysical Profile

Fetal presentation position, buttocks-first. Doctors are generally willing to consider vaginal delivery if Baby B is breech, as long as the presenting twin is vertex.

Been There, Done That In other words, you aren't the only one!

By The Way...

Big grin Used to put in emotion, which is often difficult to convey via email. Other options: <G>   <VBG> (V for very) :-)   ;-) (winking)   :-P (sticking out tongue), and many others, but that's a good place to start.

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When applied to the internet, "chat" refers to a program which will allow you to converse in real time over the Internet. Some must be downloaded, like IRC or ICQ (also an instant messaging program), but other sites have chat rooms which you access through your browser.

The outer of the two membranes, or "sacs," surrounding the fetus. The inner membrane is the amnion.

CardioPulmonary Resuscitation

Cute Things They Say Usually used in the subject line, to let list members know that a cute story is coming up.

dh, dw
Dear (usually! ;-) ) Husband or Wife For some reason, this acronym is almost always in lower case letters.

Each twin has its own amnion (inner membrane).

A developing fetus has two membranes, or sacs, surrounding it. The inner membrane is the amnion, the outer one is the chorion. Fraternal twins always have their own sacs and placentas, though the placentas can fuse and give the appearance of being one. Identical twins can have separate placentas and sacs, shared placenta and chorion but separate amnions (monochorionic, diamniotic), or shared placenta, chorion, and amnion (monochorionic, monoamniotic).

Monochorionic, diamniotic twins are at risk for TTTS, and will be monitored carefully to track any discordance in size or amounts of amniotic fluid.

Each twin has its own chorion. (See above.)

Difference. Generally used when referring to a difference in size between the babies.

Do It Yourself In British usage, a DIY shop is a hardware store.

Fraternal twins. Literally, this means from two fertilized eggs.

See dh.

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Expressed Breast Milk

EG; <EG>
Evil Grin; also BEG (big evil grin).

Frequently Asked Questions A FAQ is a collection of questions which come up often on a mailing list or news group, along with the answers. If you have a hunch that your question might be pretty common ("What kind of stroller should I get?"), check the FAQ page before posting. The Twins List FAQs can be found here.

To apply the methods of Dr. Richard Ferber, from the book "Solve your Child's Sleep Problems." Some people refer to "ferberizing" as the cry-it-out method, but that's actually the last step in the process of building good sleep habits.

Frozen Embryo Transfer A frozen embryo is transferred to the uterus of the mother or surrogate.


Father of Multiples Related terms: FOM, MOT, MOM, POT, POM where P = parent, F = father, M = mother and/or multiples, T = twins, and O = of

For What It's Worth

For Your Information

Gestational Diabetes A form of diabetes which can develop during pregnancy. Chances of developing GD go up during twin pregnancy.

G, D, & R
Grinning, Ducking & Running Used after a possibly controversial joke or comment. (But be careful-- if you have to use this one, there's a good chance someone will take you seriously!)

Gamete IntraFallopian Transfer. The gamets (sperm and egg) are mixed together, then transfered into the fallopian tubes without waiting for fertilization to take place.

HELLP Syndrome
A pre-eclampsia-like condition characterized by Hemolysis, which is the breaking down of red blood cells, Elevated Liver enzymes, and Low Platelet count, which is potentially fatal to both the woman and her baby or babies. The cure is delivery.

Hope It Helps; Hope This Helps

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Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection A single sperm is injected directly into the egg. This is done when the sperm are too weak to penetrate the egg wall on their own.

Identical (monozygotic)

In My Opinion Often used when expressing an opinion which others might find upsetting, as a way of showing that the author knows not everyone believes the view expressed. Variants: IMHO, IMNSHO-- in my humble opinion, in my not so humble opinion-- can be used to express increasing levels of sarcasm.

In My Personal/Previous Experience

IntraUterine Growth Restriction A condition in which the baby does not grow as quickly as expected. If you have one baby who seems to be experiencing IUGR, and the twins are the same sex, you can expect to be examined for TTTS.

IntraUterine Insemination Sperm is transfered to directly the uterus.

InVitro Fertilization The eggs are harvested and combined with the sperm in the lab. Fertilized eggs are then transfered to the mother. In general, at least two eggs are transfered, to increase the probability that at least one will implant.

I Wish I Knew

Kill files
Really, it's not a threat! Often, people receiving individual messages (rather than the digest version) will set filters to automatically delete messages with certain topics (or from certain people).

Laughing My Head Off (also LMAO)

Laughing Out Loud (see also ROTFL, ROTFLOL)

To be a member of a mailing list without ever introducing yourself or participating in any way. In general, it is a good idea to lurk on a mailing list or newsgroup until you get a feel for the style. However, this is by no means a requirement, and if you have a pressing question, you're definitely welcome to jump right in.

Please keep in mind that you can never really tell who all the lurkers are. Be very careful about any personal information you give out, especially if it's posted directly to the list (which is archived).

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Magnesium Sulfate A medication given to treat preterm labor and pre-eclampsia.

Mother-In-Law, Father-In-Law, etc.

Mother of Multiples Related terms: MOT, FOT, FOM, POT, POM where P = parent, F = father, M = mother and/or multiples, T = twins, and O = of

Having one amnion. A developing fetus has two membranes, or sacs, surrounding it. The inner membrane is the amnion, the outer one is the chorion. Fraternal twins always have their own sacs and placentas, though the placentas can fuse and give the appearance of being one. Identical twins can have separate placentas and sacs, shared placenta and chorion but separate amnions (monochorionic, diamniotic), or shared placenta, chorion, and amnion (monochorionic, monoamniotic).

The monoamniotic configuration can lead to additional complications and will require more monitoring. For more information, see the Monoamniotic Monochorionic Support Site:

Identical twins with a shared chorion. Monochorionic twins will either be diamniotic or monoamniotic (see above).

Identical. Coming from one fertilized egg.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit The hospital ward for newborns. In England, this may be referred to as the Special Care Baby Unit.

Non-Stress Test A test which measures accelerations of the babies' heart rate in relation to movements & contractions.

Not Twin Related A tag to include in the subject line of off topic posts, as a warning for those who prefer to just delete unrelated messages.

Obstetrician, Obstetrician/Gynecologist

Off Topic Used on many lists to denote a post which doesn't stick to the list's main topic. The twins list generally uses NTR (see above).

Also: Occupational Therapy

Older Twin Issues This is an identifier you can add to a subject line to alert parents that the issue will deal with older twins. Many parents with older twins don't have time to read all the messages, and use cues like this in the subject line as a way to decide what to read.

On The Other Hand

A doctor specializing in the treatment of infants from shortly before birth till a few weeks after birth.

A baby born before term. Term for twins is generally considered to be 37-38 weeks, as opposed to 40 for singletons.

Pre-Term Labor Contractions with cervical change occurring before term.

Rolling On The Floor Laughing.
Variants: ROTFLOL-- Rolling On The Floor Laughing Out Loud
ROTFLMHO-- Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Head Off (also ROTFLMAO)

Respiratory Syncytial Virus. This is a common virus which in adults and older children is no worse than an ordinary cold, but can be quite severe in infants. Preemies and newborns are especially susceptible to long term respiratory damage as a result of RSV. For more information, see

Stay At Home Mom/Stay At Home Dad


Conceived "naturally" (my personal choice for not implying that some twins might be "unnatural").

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Thanks In Advance Used when signing a letter, to acknowledge the help you expect to receive. Although there's no requirement, it never hurts to send a note of thanks once you've received a reply, or a general "thank you" to the list if you aren't able to reply to everyone. (Parents of newborns are, of course, exempt, as they shouldn't be spending their free time writing email messages!)

Drugs used to prevent preterm labor. You can find more information in the bedrest FAQ.

When a fetus is lying side-to-side instead of head down (vertex) or bottom first (breech).

Triple Test
Levels of AFP, HCG, and Estriol in the mother's blood are checked, to determine the probability of certain problems (including Spina Bifida and Down's Syndrome). This is only a statistical test: given the levels of all three compounds, the mother's age, and the gestational age, you can determine the probability of having certain problems. Many times, the results of this test are the first indication that this is a twin pregnancy. But please note:
  • Even with one baby, there is no such thing as "positive" or "negative:" it can only indicate an increased possibility of certain problems, and point to the need for further testing.
  • Also, it is not accurate for twins. As the sample is taken from the mother's blood, there's no way to isolate the results for each twin. AFP levels for each fetus can be checked through amniocentesis.

In the land of the internet, a troll is someone who posts a deliberately inflammatory message to a list or newsgroup, hoping to create a flame war. Best dealt with by ignoring them.

This Too Shall Pass Remember, this is only a stage. Your children will soon grow out of it-- and attempt new and even more exasperating activities.

See Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome

Twin Skin
If you've already had your twins, and you don't know what this is, count your blessings! ;-)

"Twin skin" is the unofficial term for the saggy, droopy, stretch-marked skin which some MOTs find themselves faced with after the delivery. If you hear of any cure short of plastic surgery, let me know!! ;-)

Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS)
A disease of the placenta occurring in monochorionic or monoamniotic identical twins. One twin gets more of the blood supply than the other. Early signs are big difference in size, and discrepancy in the amount of amniotic fluid in each sac. For more information see the Twins List TTTS FAQ. This includes information on treatment and links to support organizations.

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Until Further Notice

Universal Resource Locator The address for a web site, e.g.

US or U/S

Vaginal Birth After C-section

Fetal presentation position, head-first.

Work At Home Mom/Dad

Work Out of the Home Mom/Dad

Your Mileage May Vary In other words, this method worked for me, but it may not work for you.

Zygote IntraFallopian Transfer The fertilized egg is transferred to the fallopian tubes, not the uterus.

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One of the drawbacks of email is that we don't have facial expressions to help us tell when someone is smiling, serious, or just kidding. Using emoticons or "smilies" is a way to help others know how to interpret your words. The most common ones on the twins list are the standard smile :-) or :) and the wink ;-) but you'll find many of these others on other news groups and chats.

Tilt your head to the left and you can interpret these expressions fairly easily.

:) or :-) or :^) = smile
(you can insert a ^ or a - to represent a nose, the choice is yours!)
:> = little smile or grin
:] = wide smile or grin
:D = smile/laughing/big grin
:* = kiss
:*) = French kiss
;) = wink
:x = trying to keep a straight face
:( = sad or unhappy face
:< = pout or forlorn
:/ = disappointment, not funny, chagrin or skepticism
:| = mild disgust, indifference, or boredom
>:( = anger or annoyance
:{) = man with moustache smiling
8) = person with glasses
B) = person with sunglasses/shades
:X = my lips are sealed, not speaking
:o = mild surprise ("uh oh!")
=:o = greater surprise (hair standing on end; the longer the "hair", the
greater the surprise)
:~( = crying
O;> = angel (used for "innocent" remarks)
};> = devil (used for "devilish" remarks)
:9 = licking lips
:6 = making a face of distaste (i.e., you ate something sour)
:<> = yawn
:P = sticking out tongue
:{ = Vampire
<:) = for dumb questions (dunce)
:8 = talking out of both sides of mouth (lying)
{} = a hug (the more brackets, the bigger the hug) Example:
{{{{{HostMars}}}}} is a hug! (Put their screen name in the middle)
[] = often a masculine hug, given from male to male
O.o = raising an eyebrow
O.O = eyes open wide
@>--'---,---- = a rose
@>--'---,----12x = a dozen roses
o/~ = a musical note (often used to show song lyrics)
<-- = an arrow, usually for referring to self

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Please send comments and questions to Lisa

Twins List FAQs:   Copyright © 1996 - 1999 Mary Foley
All Rights Reserved
Permision to reprint all FAQ information is granted to individuals for private use.
Please contact regarding any other reprint permissions.